Professional Soft Collection 1.02
Professional Soft Collection 1.02.iso
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INI File
181 lines
; ==========================================================================
; copyright 1991-1992. ParaGraph. Moscow.
; ==========================================================================
; NOTE: current file work only with Windows 3.0
; Please, do not attemp use this file in other versions of Windows
; ==========================================================================
; About This File
; ===============
; This file, INSTW30.INF, contains information that Install uses to
; install ParaWin in your Windows 3.0.
; This file must be in the same directory as the program file INSTALL.EXE.
; The two files can be on a floppy disk, a hard disk, or a network disk drive.
caption = "ParaWin 2.0 Installation"
defdir = C:\WINDOWS
defkeydll = ruskbd
defxlat = 866
deflang = rus
1 =.,"ParaWin System Disk", oemdisk1
2 =.,"ParaWin Cyrillic Disk", oemdisk2
minspace = 30000
#keyboard.drivers, 0:system
#keyboard.tables, 0:system
#install.inf, 0:system
#utilities, 0:
#keyboard.drivers, 0:system
#keyboard.tables, 0:system
#codepages, 0:system
#language, 0:system
#sysfonts, 0:system
#oemfonts, 0:system
#fixedfonts, 0:system
#fonts, 0:system
#install.inf, 0:system
#utilities, 0:
2:cyrilw30.inf,"Code Page Information file"
1:keybedit.inf,"Custom keyboard Information file"
1:kbdflash.exe,"keyboard indicator"
1:keybdmap.exe,"keyboard font viewer"
1:keybdmgr.exe,"keyboards manager"
1:cpagemgr.exe,"codepages manager"
1:keybedit.exe,"keyboards editor"
1:mgrlib.dll, "additional files"
1:pwug.wri, "parawin user's guide"
ParaWin, parawin.grp
"keyboard font viewer",keybdmap.exe
"keyboard indicator",kbdflash.exe
"keyboards manager",keybdmgr.exe
"codepages manager",cpagemgr.exe
"keyboards editor",keybedit.exe
"ParaWin user's guide", pwug.wri
keyboard.drivers, system.ini, boot, keyboard.drv, filename
; keyboard.tables, system.ini, keyboard, keyboard.dll, " "
keyboard.tables, system.ini, keyboard, keyboard.dl1, filename
utilities, win.ini, windows, load, kbdflash.exe
keyswap, system.ini, keyboard, keyswap, filename
language, system.ini, boot, language.dll, filename
codepages, system.ini, keyboard, oemansi.bin, filename
sysfonts, system.ini, boot, fonts.fon, filename
oemfonts, system.ini, boot, oemfonts.fon, filename
fixedfonts, system.ini, boot, fixedfon.fon, filename
fonts, win.ini, fonts, description, filename
#keyswap,"Select keyboard switch keys."
1:1d60000000000000,"Right Ctrl key " ; RCtrl => next keyboard, LCtrl=> prev keybd
1:2a00000000000000,"Left Shift key" ;
1:3a00000c00000000,"CapsLock (press twice)" ; CapsLock press twice => next keyboard
1:39000c0300000000,"Ctrl+Alt+Space" ; Ctrl+Alt : Space => same as above...
1:1d00000000000000,"Left Ctrl key" ;
1:3600000000000000,"Right Shift key" ;
1:4e0004014a000401,"Ctrl and Keypad Plus" ;
1:4a0004014e000401,"Ctrl and Keypad Minus" ;
1:worldkbd.drv, "multilayout keyboard"
2:kbdruf.dll,"Russian -- phonetical",1
; 2:langukr.dll,"Ukrainian"
; 2:langbrs.dll,"Belorussian"
; 2:langmcd.dll,"Macedonian"
; 2:langsrb.dll,"Serbian"
; 2:langbul.dll,"Bulgarian"
2:xlat866.bin,,"Russian (866)"
2:egasysc.fon,"EGA (640x350) resolution System Font","133,96,72"
2:cgasysc.fon,"CGA (640x200) resolution System Font","200,96,48"
2:vgasysc.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution System Font","100,96,96"
2:8514sysc.fon,"8514/a (1024x768) resolution System Font","100,120,120"
2:egasysc.fon,"AT&T (640x400) resolution System Font","120,96,80"
2:egafixc.fon,"EGA (640x350) resolution Fixed System Font","133,96,72"
2:cgafixc.fon,"CGA (640x200) resolution Fixed System Font","200,96,48"
2:vgafixc.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution Fixed System Font","100,96,96"
2:8514fixc.fon,"8514/a (1024x768) resolution Fixed System Font","100,120,120"
2:egafixc.fon,"AT&T (640x400) resolution Fixed System Font","120,96,80"
2:ega866.fon,"EGA (640x350) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Russia)","133,96,72",1
2:cga866.fon,"CGA (640x200) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Russia)","200,96,48",1
2:vga866.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Russia)","100,96,96",1
2:8514866.fon,"8514/a (1024x768) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Russia)","100,120,120",1
2:ega866.fon,"AT&T (640x400) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Russia)","120,96,80",1
2:helvac.fon,"Helv 8,10,12,14,18,24 (CGA res)","200,96,48"
2:helvbc.fon,"Helv 8,10,12,14,18,24 (EGA res)","133,96,72"
2:helvcc.fon,"Helv 8,10,12,14,18,24 (60 dpi)","83,60,72"
2:helvdc.fon,"Helv 8,10,12,14,18,24 (120 dpi)","167,120,72"
2:helvec.fon,"Helv 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)","100,96,96"
2:helvfc.fon,"Helv 8,10,12,14,18,24 (8514/a res)","100,120,120"
; 1:courac.fon, "Courier 10,12,15 (CGA res)", "200,96,48"
; 1:courbc.fon, "Courier 8,10,12,15 (EGA res)", "133,96,72"
; 1:courcc.fon, "Courier 10,12,15 (60 dpi)", "83,60,72"
; 1:courdc.fon, "Courier 10,12,15 (120 dpi)", "167,120,72"
; 1:courec.fon, "Courier 10,12,15 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
; 1:courfc.fon, "Courier 10,12,15 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"
; 1:tmsrac.fon, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (CGA res)", "200,96,48"
; 1:tmsrbc.fon, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (EGA res)", "133,96,72"
; 1:tmsrcc.fon, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (60 dpi)", "83,60,72"
; 1:tmsrdc.fon, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (120 dpi)", "167,120,72"
; 1:tmsrec.fon, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
; 1:tmsrfc.fon, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"
; 3:smallbc.fon,"Small (EGA res)", "133,96,72"
; 3:smallec.fon, "Small (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
; 3:smallfc.fon, "Small (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"
; 3:romanc.fon, "Roman (Plotter)", "CONTINUOUSSCALING"
; 3:scriptc.fon, "Script (Plotter)", "CONTINUOUSSCALING"
; 3:modernc.fon, "Modern (Plotter)", "CONTINUOUSSCALING"